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Rock Springs


One of the Main Escape Routes


As news of the massacre in town spread, those Chinese who were not killed outrightly began to flee the city. A Chinese eyewitness described this scenario:


"Some of the rioters, when they could not stop a Chinese, would shoot him dead on the spot, and then search and rob him. Some would overtake a Chinese, throw him down and search and rob him before they would let him go. Some of the rioters would not fire their weapons but would only use the butt ends to beat the Chinese with. Some, who took no part in either the beating or robbing the Chinese, stood by, shouting loudly and laughing and clapping their hands."


Dozens of survivors ran into the hills in the general direction shown in this photograph. Some of the survivors were able to jump on a passing train headed to Evanston, about 80 miles away. Others walked the entire distance to that town.

All of the stories about the massacre from the Chinese perspective came from those who were able to escape.

After the riots, two companies of U.S. Army Infantry troops were sent to Rock Springs at the request of the Wyoming Governor. Sixteen men were arrested, but the local grand jury refused to bring indictments. Their offical report stated "Though we have examined a large number of witnesses, no one has been able to testify to a single criminal act committed by any known white person that day."


[Both of the quotes on this page are taken from the extensive Wikipedia entry for this event.]

Sources: Carroll, Chadley, Pfaelzer, Rock Springs Historical Museum, Wikipedia

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About this site: This site was identified by Bob Nelson, the Director of the Rock Springs History Museum, based upon his many years of research into the events there.

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